- CD
US TOUR 1992 VOL.16
StonyRoad |
Tracks 1-5: Stephen’s Talkhouse, Miami 7 November 1992, Track 6: Arsenio Hall Show, Los Angeles 19 November 1992, Track 7: Amy Scott Entertainment, Fox News 27 November 1992, Track 8: CUTV La Brique, Montreal 1 December 1992, Tracks 9,10: Howard Stern Show, New York 4 August 1992, Track 11: Late Night With David Letterman, New York 29 October 1992. |
1 downlioad cdr |
45.01 |
Tracks 1-5: Audience stereo, Tracks 6-8: Soundboard mono, Tracks 9-11: Soundboard stereo. |
single slimline jewel case |
1. Little Red
Rooster, 2. Bony Moronie, 3. She’s So Fine 4. Shame Shane Shame, 5. Unidentified
Song, 6. Show Me, 7. Interview By Amy Scott (Testify, Flying), 8. Testify, Bonus:
9. I’m Losing You, 10. Stay With Me, 11. Stay With Me.
This is the
last volume for this series and collects various performances, starting with
the concert from 7 November 1992 at Stephens’s Talkhouse in Miami, where Ron Wood guested with
the New Orleans band Evangeline, the line-up was: Rn Wood on guitar and vocals,
Ian McLagan on keyboards, Bobby Keys on sax, Johnny Lee Schell on guitar), Bernard
Fowler on vocals, Kathleen Stieffel on guitar, and vocals, Rhonda Bolin
Lohmeyer on guitar, Nancy Buchan on fiddle, Beth McKee on keyboards and
accordion, Sharon Leger on bass and Dudley Fruge on drums. On Little Red
Rooster are featured Johnny Lee Schell, Bernard Fowler and Bobby Keys, on Bony
Moronie Ian McLagan and Bobby Keys, on She’s So Fine and Shane Shame Shame Ron Wood
and Bobby Keys and on the unidentified song just Bobby Keys. Next comes Show Me from Arsenio Hall Show, here the line-up consisted of Ron
Wood on guitar, vocals and harmonica, Bernard Fowler on vocals, Ian McLagan on keyboards
and backing vocals, Johnnie Lee Schell on guitar Shaun Solomon on bass) and Wayne
P. Sheehy on drums. Some snippets of songs like Testify and Flying can also be
heard during the Amy Scott interview from Fox News Amy Scott’s Entertainment
show. Then comes Testify from Canadian TV soundcheck in La Brique, Montreal,
Canada unfortunately in very bad quality. I’m Losing Toy and Stay With Me come
next, coming from the Howard Stern show from 4
August 1992, on the first track we have Ron Wood
on guitar and Bernard Fowler on vocals, while on the second track they are
joined by Howard Stern on vocals. Finally from Late Night With David Letterman
another take of Stay With Me played by a line up consisting of Ron Wood on guitar
and backing vocals, Bernard Fowler on vocals, Ian McLagan n keyboards and
backing vocals, Sid McGinnis on guitar, Shaun
Solomon on bass), Anton Fig on drums, Paul Shaffer on keyboards and Chuck
Leavell on keyboards and backing vocals.

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